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Easy-to-cook recipe for vegetalize your diet

Discover a rich, healthy and tasty diet based on fruits, vegetables, algae, oilseeds, whole grains, legumes and vegetable oils.



Gomasio is a condiment of Japanese origin made from toasted sesame seeds and finely ground sea salt.



  1. In a pan over medium heat, dry roast the sesame seeds without adding any oil.

  2. Stir regularly with a wooden spatula to prevent them from burning.

  3. The seeds are ready when they start to pop slightly and release a nice toasted sesame aroma (about 3 to 5 minutes). Be careful not to let them brown, as this would give a bitter taste.

  4. Add the salt to the pan during the last few seconds of cooking, just to warm it slightly.

  5. Place the sesame and salt mixture in a mortar and grind it by hand, or use a spice grinder. Be careful not to grind it too finely, as gomasio should retain a slightly coarse texture. If using a food processor, pulse briefly to keep small pieces of sesame seeds intact.

Photo portrait de Gilles Vauvarin

A word about this preparation...

Gomasio has deep roots in Japanese and Asian cuisine, where it has been used for centuries. Traditionally used in Asia, it is highly valued for enhancing the flavor of dishes while limiting salt intake. Gomasio easily integrates into dishes: it can be sprinkled over salads, vegetables, rice, or soups to add a savory and nutritious touch.

For storage, pour the gomasio into an airtight jar and keep it away from light and moisture.

It is best to consume it quickly (within 2 to 3 weeks) to enjoy all its aroma and nutritional benefits.

To vary the flavors, you can add poppy seeds, flaxseeds, dried seaweed, or even a bit of ground pepper.


  • Sesame seeds

    200 g
  • Sea salt

    10 g
Versatile preparation
20 mn
Gomasio Gomasio Gomasio