Who Am I?
My name is Gilles Vauvarin, I'm French and I immigrated to Canada a few years ago with my wife and daughter, both for professional reasons and to live the adventure of expatriation.
My job is to develop web sites, and when I have a bit of free time, I spend it with my family, playing field hockey or creating web sites on subjects close to my heart.
Having studied biology, I've always been sensitive to environmental issues. So it was natural for me to take an interest in the impact of my omnivorous diet on my health, animal welfare and the balance of our planet.
Why this site?
I'd been keeping an eye on vegan food for some time, but for a long time I put off the decision to radically change my diet. Out of ignorance, I was afraid of going from a cuisine I loved to one that was bland, restrictive and risky for my health.
Then one day I decided to find out more about vegan food. I discovered that a vegan diet, when varied and balanced, covers all our nutritional needs and keeps us healthy. I also realized that millions of people around the world, including top sportsmen and women, had already adopted this way of eating for a long time and were doing very well.
The second step was to take action. To do this, I started gradually testing vegan recipes, one by one. Then, being a web developer, I decided to document them on a site so that I could find them easily. Thus was born the idea of “Little radish”, a site dedicated to sharing vegan recipes.